Austria is one of the most stable and prolific economies in Europe which represents one of the most important incentives for foreign investors coming to open companies in this country. Foreign and local enterprisers have the possibility of starting businesses which have a physical address, but they can also set up an online presence in order to have access to more clients. In order to have an online presence, most of them open websites in Austria. This is how retail has become one of the most attractive industries in Austria.
Our company formation agents in Austria can assist with the company registration procedure, if you want to start a business in this country.
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The national domain name in Austria
Even if an enterpriser wants to open an online store, for example, he or she must first register a company in Austria and only after that set up a website and start operating. Creating a website is quite easy, however there a few steps to follow and several requirements to comply with in order to respect the Austrian legislation.
The country’s Internet top-level domain is .at and it is administered by Austrian Domain Name Register, NIC.AT. Those seeking to open a website in Austria can also choose the international domain name .com, or second-level domain names such as, or One should only keep in mind that the domain must be original and must have at least one character and a maximum of 63 characters, which can be letters or digits.
How to register a domain name in Austria
Both private citizens and companies in Austria are allowed to open websites and register domain names in this country. A person must be at least 18 years old and have the capacity to enter a contract in order to be allowed to set up an Austrian website. He or she must submit personal information with NIC.AT at registration of the web address, while Austrian companies must submit information about the business form, registered address and its trade name.
The address has a one-year validity period and can be renewed based on a fee.
For full information on the requirements to open a website or for assistance in setting up a company, please contact our company registration consultants in Austria.